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 Supplier Information:
 Supplier 2G Products, FZC
Surge vessel 60 M3 Volume: 60,000 liters Position: Vertical Vessel Type: Bladder Type Maximum Service Pressure: 10 Barg Hydrostatic test Pressure: According to the European Standards Structural Calculations Temperature: According to the European Standards

Surge Vessel - Bladder Type: Surge Vessel - Bladder Type 60 m3

Outlet Size Variation #2 Product # Price
   DN 350, PN 10
19/6/03 QUOTE    Qty:
   DN 400, PN 10
  QUOTE    Qty:
   DN 500, PN 10
  QUOTE    Qty:
   DN 600, PN 10
FrF (28/09/00) QUOTE    Qty:
   DN 700, PN 10
2002 QUOTE    Qty:
   DN 800, PN 10
FrF (28/09/00) QUOTE    Qty:


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