EGPC is the first economic corporation constituted in Egypt according to the Law no. 135 of 1956 under the name of "The General Corporation of Petroleum Affairs" subjoined to the Ministry of Industry; having its legal personality. The corporation establishment law was amended by the Law no. 332 for the year 1956 at 10/9/1956 to be under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry. In 1976, the Law no. 20 of 1976 was issued to establish "The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation" (EGPC) EGPC working as a holding corporation owns 12 public sector companies, sharing in 58-petroleum companies with foreign partners. EGPC and its companies sharing in 39 companies with a total paid capital of $938 million and 2.6 billion Egyptian pound.
Products/Services overview
Petroleum agreements, Exploration, Crude oil & Natural Gases Production, Refining & Processing, Local consumption, Petroleum Projects, Petroleum & Environment and Training & Manpower.