Using Multi Segmented Well To Simulate Multi Zone Completion
Paper Abstract 5/21/2005
Most of Rashpetco reservoirs are complex multi layer sands. In order to optimize the gas deliverability, recovery and plateau length, smart technology was selected for the completion of two fields (Rosetta-P2 & Sapphire).
It was a real challenge to represent these smart wells in the simulation model. MSW option ( Multi-Segment Well ) is a solution for some important items that must be taken into consideration in the model which the default options and keywords in eclipse 100 can not handle it. MSW option has the ability to put the Erosion gas flow rate constraints for each zone (which is a critical point in the smart completion ), maximum water flow rate from each zone, pressure drop in each segment (zone )using VFP created for the exact multi segment string. Also MSW could represent the down hole valves whether it is in the fixed position ( on/off ) or multi position ( choking ).