Tore Sep - A New Generation Efficient Compact Bulk Water Knockout Separator
Paper Abstract 5/22/2005
Merpro's patented ToreSep technology employs Vortex flows within a new generation separator minimizing the retention time and equipment footprint. This paper investigates the forces at work within the ToreSep which instigate the efficiency of separating Oil from Water. Live field results obtained recently in an onshore location in the Middle East will be presented, demonstrating the unit's ability to produce an oil continuous stream from water-wet wells. Results of combining the ToreSep with conventional Hydrocyclone technology followed by a ViPA particle and droplet size analyzer indicate the coalescing forces within the ToreSep and hence suggest enhanced de-oiling Hydrocyclone efficiency. The conclusions will review the de-bottlenecking scenarios of existing facilities allowing for increased well fluid production.