Identification of Pay Zones from Log Measurements in Casing in Difficult Drilling Environment
Paper Abstract 5/21/2005
Open hole log evaluation has been traditionally used for formation evaluation purposes and is commonly used for reservoir characterization. Adverse hole conditions precluded use of these services. Under these circumstances, it becomes necessary to acquire the necessary log data after the well is cased for reservoir evaluation. Cased hole logs provide answers with acceptable uncertainty in characterized formations. However, in cased wells, which are not well characterized, the results tend to have a higher uncertainty. In one of the wells in Egypt the operator could not acquire the data in the open hole section because of adverse hole conditions. High quality cased hole data was acquired in the interesting section even in difficult borehole condition ( heavy wash outs etc). The measurements are compared with the available open hole data and the responses explained. All the data which could have been acquired in the open hole was acquired in the cased hole with the available cased hole sensors. Based on the data from the cased hole the bore hole condition at the time of casing the well was predicted. We also demonstrate that gaseous hydrocarbon can be identified from the cased hole epithermal neutron measurements which compared well with the resistivity and the density neutron separation. Reliable matrix density values have been estimated from the cased hole spectroscopy providing a reliable porosity values from the cased hole density.
Reservoir parameters have been estimated in the cased hole section. It was possible to devise cost effective planning for completing the well based on these parameters. The ability to provide cased hole measurements helped the operator in avoiding a costly side track.